20 May 2017
Pantograph / Reviews

Pantograph (Emil)

We find ourselves in the hands of Star Robot System’s record labels “Pantograph”
Certainly the most disturbing work of the Roman artist. We were used to his sound, referring to Cosmic Music and “vintage” electronics, but here’s another story… It’s not classifiable as a style.
First let me tell you two things at the premise.
The first one: I like the title “Pantograph” quite a lot. This wonderful, sparkling device that allows you to collect energy and turn it into motion. Charming …
The second: Bellisome cover layout. I find minimal and essential. Very in line with the content.
Another thing I would like to point out is that before we go in the receiver is the “beats” button that permeates the disco.Come as if the artist felt the need to give rhythm to their sound carpets.
But let’s get to the pieces:
Genesis of an Automatic Generation: Mind goes to what seems to be a clear tribute to the great Edgar Froese, who has recently disappeared. His TDs in this piece resurrect, immortalized and always vivid. A piece that is already putting the rhythm in evidence.
Pantograph: The title track from the beautiful intro station-voice, vira on electro atmospheres and the beautiful vocoder accompany it is the natural complement. Less than the melody bearing a sghemba filament but the search for non-commercial SRS might be a response.
Tokaido: Here you can clearly perceive the passion for Oriented art and culture.Bel rhythmic rug, almost as a dancefloor but also the melody is no less. Very basic base, at the end of the piece.
The march of the progress: A piece that grows slowly and moves the leg, Very “load” of contour sounds and various effects to the completion of the song.
The train of the lost dream: Already the title evokes dreamy and dreamy atmospheres. The passage holds true to all that. One, rigorous and spatial mark for intergalactic railways … Beautiful melodic keyboard.
Techno art: Perhaps my absolute favorite piece. I can not help but mention the great work of percussion, masterfully accompanied by keyboards and synths… The Human League’s most natural appeal is to the utmost of their splendor
Computer test for automatic station: A departure to Anthony Rother but with more soul. And then the beautiful vocoder to seal a piece that pulls a lot and not a truce.
Assemblage: It’s a strange piece. The time it takes to slow down and the end beats give the idea really to an assembly workshop. The railway arsenal with mechanical carpenters at work.
Binario Morto: It looks like a title from Flur… Great score and good rhythmic feelings for this piece by stinging rigorous and martial. To the end of the dead track…
Verschrottung: The piece that closes this work is really very burdened with atmosphere. All the sophisticated, even sophisticated rail cars sooner or later end their service. They are scraped… This piece does not look like any other style It’s SRS and it’s enough. Its genius is the same as anything else. I’m looking for a remix, even more for sidewalks dancefloor. The 9 minutes, they pass in a whirlwind because there is no repetition… Pura obsession….
A nod to the 32 bit mastering quality. The rendering is really superb in sound and music. Many sounds, sometimes appear to come from behind the speakers or from other directions.
Album after album our SRS, continues with its work of refinement, sound refinement and certain naivety that sometimes perceived in the dry work, are forgotten…
This work can be judged as its best work since we are following it. Great research and refinement. I can not say whether it’s an absolute masterpiece but I like it. No matter, turn with me in the car for a long time and He has no intention of staying home
(Review Emil 2015)


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